In today's reading we learn that Zechariah was given a prophetic vision and delivered Gods message to the remaining Jews who returned to rebuild the temple. As I was reading, what impressed me was the Zechariah was engaged in conversation with an angel. We've read about God appearing through visions and speaking to people all throughout our readings. It brings me to the conclusion that God wants to converse with us and seeks our devotion so that we can be apart of His Kingdom and accomplish His plans. I believe these relationships we've been reading about are examples for us and not limited to the people we've been reading about in the Bible. God seeks us as we are His sons and daughters. Just as the Jews who found themselves doubting as they were rebuilding the temple, we find ourselves in similar situations throughout our journey where we question what's going on and how we are going to accomplish the tasks at hand. I think the answer is found in verse 6 "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord". As confusion grows around us, we can't for a moment fall into the trap of thinking we can stand alone and do anything in our own strength. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that anything of lasting value can be accomplished. Consistent with everything we've read, it's only through our relationship with God that we have access to the Holy Spirit. As we walk in Gods presence, we are privileged to live in His power and be a part of His Kingdom mission. On our own we have neither the ability or the power to accomplish anything. " The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God" (Psalm 14:2). I pray for all of us that as God looks down on us today He finds us all looking up, and by the power of His Spirit we are strengthened and engaged in conversation with His angels.
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