Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday, October 1


Isaiah 62:6–65:25

Philippians 2:19–3:3

Psalm 73:1–28

Proverbs 24:13,14



“Yet I am always with you;

    you hold me by my right hand.

You guide me with your counsel,

    and afterward you will take me into glory.

Whom have I in heaven but you?

    And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

My flesh and my heart may fail,

    but God is the strength of my heart

    and my portion forever.”  (Psalm 73:23–26)



In today’s Psalm, Asaph provides a wonderful insight into the challenges that we all face in potentially envying other people.  In this case, he begins to pout about the futility of his faith, in light of great success of “the wicked”:  “Surely in vain I have kept my heart purse/ and have washed my hands in innocence./ All day long I have been afflicted,/ and every morning brings new punishments.” (Psalm 73:13,14)


Asaph struggled to comprehend how “the wicked” prospered:  “always free of care, they go on amassing wealth.”  (73:12)  He had apparently not received the same good fortune and wondered if he had sought the Lord in vain, if his commitment had been without purpose.


We have all faced temptations to engage in this type of thinking.  Jesus Himself guaranteed that we would face trouble in this world, and Paul predicted that we would face others’ disapproval and persecution.  In God’s economy, we understand that “the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.”  The earthly order will give way to the heavenly one, according to God’s plan and purpose.


As with Asaph, in order to “snap out” of the slimy pit of envy and self-pity, we must train our eyes on God Himself.  Asaph doesn’t receive his restoration and renewal from within; rather, he experiences newness through God’s presence alone.  He remembers God’s consistent presence with him and His guidance by His “counsel.”  He has a secure hope in God’s “strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,” as stated in “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”


Asaph recognizes that he truly desires God’s presence and that nothing in heaven or on earth could bring him greater satisfaction.  We may lose our earthly strength, but God will remain “the strength of my heart/ and my portion forever.”  Therefore, we do not “lose heart” but may press forward to knowing God, which Jesus declared as the very center of eternal life. (John 17:3)


How may we experience God’s presence today?  How could you set aside a few moments to invite His presence?  You might start with listening to a praise song or reading His Word.  Then, you might confess your sin and honor Him by declaring your thanks and praising His goodness.  Finally, you could sit back and listen for His voice.  Would you like the refreshing and cleaning of His presence this evening?



Lord God, thank You for Your wonderful presence.  Help us to seek You this evening and to receive a heart restoration from being there.  Strengthen us for Your purposes, and bring us joy as we seek godliness with contentment.  We love You and thank You for never leaving us nor forsaking us.  In Jesus’s Name, amen.



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