Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July 29

Romans 12

As I read this passage I started to envision what the actions of someone who has a transformed mind looks like.   The word transformed means a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.  In  relation to the world we live in this obviously can go in many different directions taking on not so favorable changes.  So I started to think what transformation would look like if we stop and put it into the context of our relationship with Christ, as we are called to do.  In verse 21 we learn not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  This is so counter cultural and not so easy to do.  The only way we can accomplish this is by allowing the Holy Spirit to renew us, reeducate us, and redirect us to the point of true transformation.  As Christians, we know that heaven is our destination and earth is our assignment.  This should help us realize that we have been strategically placed here by God on assignment to further His Kingdom.  He has empowered us with His Holy Spirit to bless one another, be devoted in brotherly love, be joyful in hope, and faithful in prayer.  Our assignment is to conform to His image while sharing the Gospel with God's people who are in need.  This transformation of thinking changes how we measure our standards of success.  If we evaluate our success by the standards of this world which are built on pride, selfishness, stubbornness or arrogance, we rob ourselves of the full potential to experience the joy we have in Christ.  I pray Lord that You pour Your Spirit into us. Reveal to each of us Lord the special gift You have given us and strengthen us so we can love as You loved and forgive as You forgave.  Only by the power of Your Spirit Lord will we be transformed and able to overcome evil with good.


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