Acts 7:30-50
Stephen's review of Jewish history must have struck a raw nerve in the hearts of many of the religious leaders. His testimony to God's faithfulness and sovereignty was clear, but not something anyone who rejected Jesus as the Messiah wanted to hear. He outlined how Moses led the building the of the Tabernacle as a place for God for to dwell. Solomon built an elaborate temple for the same reason. I think the question Stephen was presenting which got the religious leaders so upset was "where does God live - does He live in a building or does He live in your heart?" "The Most High does not live in houses made by men. As the prophet says: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord. Or where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these thing?"(v.48-50). Stephen is holding up a mirror and showing the religious leaders that by resisting the Holy Spirit and having uncircumcised hearts they are being stiff necked just like their fathers before them. Stephen recognized the importance of the temple even though he was accused of speaking against it. We all need a place to worship but when the place becomes more than Who we are worshiping we are in dangerous waters. When we worship we have to open our hearts, in faith, to receive God and we then become His dwelling place. 1 Corin. 3:16 tells us that "you yourselves are God's temple and God's Spirit lives in you". Lord I pray that Your Spirit rests upon my brothers and sisters and that we carry Your Holy Spirit in our hearts today and shine Your light everywhere we go.
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