1 Samuel 17
David taught us how to pray today. "You come against me with sword and speak and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."
The object of David's faith was the Lord. David did have faith in his own skills and abilities, but he ultimately had overwhelming faith in the God who would win the victory. From King Saul's perspective, Goliath was too big to hit. From David's perspective, Goliath was too big to miss.
Today we find ourselves in a spiritual battle against Satan. Everyday Satan gets up and challenges people with lies, intimidate and destruction. Who is going to fight against him?
We can't sit around and wait for God to fight this battle. We must engage our enemy. The only victory is through prayer.
Satan, I resist you and all of your demons in the person and power of the Lord Jesus Christ. I submit to the Lordship and control of the Lord Jesus, and I bring the power of my Lord's incarnation, His crucifixion, His resurrection, His ascension, and His glorification directly to focus against you and all your work against me. I claim my union with the Lord Jesus Christ, and I resist you. I force you to flee from before the truth of God. I also pray this protection over my brothers and sisters who find themselves in the battle today. I pray for Grace Church as we prepare to gather together this Sunday. I invite the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of those spiritually blinded, to convict those in rebellion and to manifest yourself to those who are seeking. Lord you are our victory and nothing can resist your powerful name. Amen!!!
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