Saturday, December 20, 2014 [by Keesha Sullivan]
"'For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear’" (Haggai 2: 4-5).
Do we truly believe God’s powerful, comforting Words? Do we live in perfect peace day in and day out? Do we truly believe Romans 8: 31, “With God on our side like this, how can we lose?” (MSG).
Unfortunately, when I look back upon my life, I see all the many times that I forfeit God’s peace and accepted the enemy’s lies. I remember creating a list in high school of the traits I wanted in a future husband. I wanted a man that loved God more than anyone else in his life. I wanted a man that would open up and share his heart with me. I wanted a man that would truly listen to me and that I too could share my heart with. I wanted a man that was passionate about God and that would lead our future family into a more intimate relationship with Jesus.
As I shared my list with some of my friends back then, every single one of them grinned and said, “When you find him, if you ever do, tell me if he has a brother.” I couldn’t help, but laugh. After a while though, I began to believe the lies the enemy told my friends. God doesn’t have the best for you. He can’t provide the perfect husband for you. You need to seek him out and settle for something other than what you desire.
In October 2005, God sent me the man that I had written all these things about. He sent me the man I had desired and dreamed of since high school. I spent all those years worrying, when I could’ve just taken a leap of faith and trusted God. My high school friends that have met Kenny can’t help but tell him that he is exactly all I hoped for and that they are amazed we met. They know and I know that he is a testimony of God’s goodness. God sent Kenny. I couldn’t have found him on my own in a million years.
Even though I’ve read this verse a thousand times, in the last few years it has become really special to me. In Numbers 23:19 it says, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” God definitely fulfills His promises. He is with us. We do not need to fear. If He puts a deep-seated desire upon our hearts, He will fulfill that desire.
Lord, we trust you. Help us surrender the enemy’s lies for Your Truth. Lord, help us to remain in Your perfect peace. Help us to remember that “With God on our side like this, how can we lose?” (MSG). We love You so much Lord. We thank You that You can protect us. We thank You that You are a God that we can trust and that will always fulfill Your promises that You speak to us in Your Word. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen
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