Jeremiah 51:1-53
Titus 2:1-15
Psalm 99:1-9
Proverbs 26:17
Years ago, Nike used the slogan "If it feels good, do it" to sell shoes. Why did they think that was going to sell shoes? No surprise - it preaches gratification, self gratification, without regard to right or wrong, let alone the idea there is a higher authority that determines right and wrong. It makes the individual, the person, the highest authority.
So different from what Paul wrote to Titus. Paul preaches temperance and self control, not to be addicted to too much wine, to be examples of self control - used more than once! - to the next generation. And with temperance and self control, he associates - among other things - integrity and "soundness of speech".
See it is when we can exercise self control - denying ourselves both the idea we are the highest authority AND the things we would gratify ourselves with given the choice - that we are able to acknowledge the existence of God, that we can live godly lives rejecting worldly passions even in this present age where so many live in accordance with the Nike slogan.
Speaking from personal experience, self control is NOT easy. Never has been, and I don't think it ever will be. And I have, and will continue to sin. How wonderful then to be able to count on a God who, as the psalmist wrote, was "to Israel a forgiving God, though You punished their misdeeds." And how wonderful to be able to hope that I can manifest that self control for my own next generation - my kids.
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