Sunday, September 14, 2014

Saturday BlogPost (9/13/14)

Saturday, September 13, 2014 [by Keesha Sullivan]

“Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed,” (Psalm 57:1). 

These words are similar to the ones that a woman cried out that was going through unfathomable grief. She had two boys, a great husband, and a beautiful home. She had gotten to know Jesus a few months prior to the event that would forever change her life. She had been listening on the radio to Kathryn Kuhlman and she had spoken to this mother of two about how Jesus would perform miracles for those that asked. She had also spoken about the power of the Holy Spirit seeing us through life.

On that snowy fateful day, this mother had her sons go into the backyard to play as she cooked dinner. She could hear their laughter and joyful screams as she prepped the food. She noticed other voices at the front of the house and figured her boys would soon join the group of kids playing in the street. The voices of her boys and the other kids seemed to get farther and farther away, but she did not worry about it. They lived in a safe neighborhood and her boys looked out for each other. Just ten minutes later a little boy from the neighborhood ran to her house and began pounding as hard as he could on the door. The fear in his eyes made her heart jump into her throat. She followed him to her boys. One of her son’s had climbed onto the icy lake near their house to get a ball that the kids had thrown onto it. The ice broke and he went under. Her older son immediately went to his rescue only to fall in to the lake as well.

As I read this true story, my adrenaline rose and I prayed and hoped that the miracle would be her sons coming back to life or being okay once the police and firemen came to the rescue. That wasn’t the case. This mother of two lost both of her boys in one day. The miracle that she wrote about was “God [having] mercy on [her], for in [Him her] soul [took] refuge. [She] took refuge in the shadow of His wings,” and grieved the loss of her only two children. Going through the process of grief with Jesus kept her mind in tack. It enabled her to minister to her unbelieving husband that was close to committing suicide and went into a deep depression. It allowed her to still say, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” I cried and cried and cried some more. It was one of the greatest miracles I have ever encountered. God sustained her and had mercy on her through one of the most horrific tragedies that she would ever encounter.

Lord, have mercy on us. Help us to take refuge in you during this journey called life. Help us to take refuge in the shadow of your wings as the disaster lingers and until its passing. Help us to lean upon You and Your Word in this broken, fallen world. Help us to trust You for miracles and for Your incredible Power to sustain us. We love You, Jesus. Amen

Kenny Sullivan
Grace EFC | Stamford, CT
C: 203-803-7478
O: 203-323-6737 ext. 12
soli Deo gloria

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