Saturday, February 15, 2014 [Prepare the Way]
Mark 1
"Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him…"
"John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. (Mark 1:3-4, NIV)
In the ancient Roman world, important officials were announced via a herald (an announcer). John the Baptist was to Jesus as Ed McMahon was to Johnny Carson or as Flava Flav was to Chuck D and Public Enemy. But, he was even more than that! John the Baptist was not just announcing the coming of Messiah Jesus, he was proclaiming how to prepare for the coming of the Kingdom reality (the rule and reign of God) that Jesus would bring with Him. The preparation began with repentance.
The word repent in Greek gives us a picture of someone walking along a road, stopping, turning around and going the other way. This is a changing of direction – an acknowledgement that the direction we're headed in is not leading us to the place where God wants us to be and then a decisive move to turn around. That's repentance. I used to think that all one had to do was mouth a few words and then they'd be saved forever, but that's not repentance. Repentance is an active choice, not a passive sentiment. We make the choice and Jesus provides the power as we act.
"Lord, I've been on this road for quite some time – it's all I know. But, I also know that this road leads to something destructive, so I'm turning around."
It's when we make that turn around and plant our first step in the opposite direction that we meet the most important person that ever walked the face of this earth. Wow! Yes, Messiah Jesus is already walking on that straight path and we get to join Him. This is a new way of walking so He has to tell us about pacing and stride. Sometimes we have to run and other times we have to take it a little slow. Yet, the most beautiful thing about being on this road is that we're with Jesus. He knows where He's going and He's overwhelmingly confident that we can make it if we stick together…and He's NOT going to leave us.
This "walking together with Jesus" is where our power to live in this world comes from.
"You have to admit that you need forgiveness before you can accept it. To prepare to receive Jesus Christ, repent." – Commentary on Mark 1:5 from the NIV Life Application Study Bible
Kenny Sullivan
Grace EFC, Stamford, CT
(201) 218-0751
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