Revelation 13:3-4 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was astonished and followed the beast. 4 Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?"
What is the most important issue in life?
The answer is who you worship?
I was confronted with the issue of worship on October 13, 2010 in Kenya. Erik, Chad and I were on a missions trip to teach church leaders. Breakfast the second morning was two fried eggs, with two nicely sliced raw tomatoes. Any time you are on a missions trip you must be careful to eat safe food. But you are also aware of the danger of offending your hosts. So I compromised and ate the eggs and only the insides of the tomatoes. By 11:00 that morning I realized I had made the wrong decision. And by 2:00 I had become violently sick. Over the next hours I only went from bad to worse. That was when I also faced a spiritual attack. Satan started whispering in my thoughts, "You are a failure; you can't even get out of bed. You came all the way over to Africa to do this; you are a fool." But then the truth of God came to me and I pictured Jesus suffering on the cross. And I saw all the good that came out of his "failure". So I prayed, "Lord, all I have to offer you is a sick body with no power, no abilities, no strength but even from this bed I am going to worship you." Then I lifted up my hands to the Lord and started singing praise songs. In the next moments an emotional dam broke inside of me and tears of joy started streaming down my face. I was an absolute physical wreck but my heart was filled with incredible joy. Months later I reflected on that day and I noted that it was the best day of 2010.
So what is the purpose of your life? The Bible reveals that the purpose of life is all about worship. This is the central theme of the book of Revelation. In Revelation 13 we deal with a world that has been tricked into worshiping a counterfeit god. Satan's goal is always to get us to worship something other than God.
This is a reason to stay connected to our daily Bible reading journey, because each day we are pointed to God and this gives us the best chance of worshiping Him.
So the question is, how many minutes will you worship the Lord today? We have been given 24 hours to invest in whatever way we choose. Take time right now and enjoy and worship your God. There is nothing more important than that!
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