Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, November 14


Ezekiel 29:1–30:26

Hebrews 11:32–1:13

Psalm 112:1–10

Proverbs 27:17



“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1–3)


Reflecting on the faithful testimony of the lives of the Chapter 11 heroes and Jesus Himself, the Hebrews writer urges his readers to commit to running the race with perseverance.  Many times, commentators have acknowledged that the Christian life more closely mirrors a marathon than a sprint.  An encouraging book that I read early on in my walk with Christ, Finishing Strong, pointed out how pressing on to the end proves much more valuable than starting with a reckless abandon.  The author, Steve Farrar, highlighted that only one in four men finish well.  The falling away of the other three robs wives, children, families, communities, and churches of the support of the wise veterans of the faith.


Hebrews 11 offers a picture into those characteristics that God esteems, as demonstrated through these historical figures of the faith.  Given that these folks did not have the full testimony of Scripture and evidence of Incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, their faith appears even more precious.  Those celebrated heroes still wavered, sinned, and hurt others, but their hearts returned to their true north through faith.


Just within this small snippet above, we find encouraging and practical counsel for succeeding in the race of life:


1.       Remember the testimony of those who have proceeded before.  Heroes challenge us to raise our expectations in ourselves and, in the case of faithful believers, in the greatness and providence of God.  Without heroes and their life-testimony, we may lose heart.


2.       Remove the distractions.  Any athlete in training must narrow his or her focus and avoid certain foods and activities.  As I heard a friend share, “focus on the positive, forget the negative, and avoid the in-between.”  We don’t simply follow some sort of hopeful mind control or behavior modification, but rather the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Still, we do have responsibility of guarding our hearts and minds and not becoming distracted by the frequent obstacles that the world presents.


3.       Focus on the goal and persevere.  In long-distance running, training helps to build speed and endurance, but one must dig deeper – into the will – at points during longer runs.  Too often, we avoid applying our will toward the “right” instead of caving for the easier path.  Applying our wills requires a) knowing the goal and the merits thereof and b) remaining focused on achieving it.  In the case of walking with God, we must grasp the wonder and goodness of knowing God and living for Him.  May we find revelation of His goodness through each day.


4.       Expect difficult patches.  If we recognize that challenges will certainly emerge – and that God remains sovereign and loving through them – their scale and scope diminish, and we may still rejoice in knowing that He continues to work out His purposes.  Too often, I complain at simple misfortune when God intends for me just to cling to Him more closely.  I have been recently telling my heart, “Ah, another opportunity to know God better and love Him more.”  How will you respond to or anticipate these tough moments?



Lord Jesus, thank You for Your example of perseverance, and thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to encourage us to continue in the race marked out for us.  Strengthen us in our confidence in You, and enable us to provide an example for others seeking to finish well.  Let us not grow weary in encouraging and building others up.  Bring words of encouragement and refreshment through Your Word and Your servants placed in our lives.  In Jesus’s Name, amen.


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