Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday Blogpost 10/28

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Monday, October 28, 2013 [Control]
Psalm 100:3
"Acknowledge that the Lord is God!  He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture."
One God, Yahweh
HE made us
HE shepherds us
Control.  It's one of the hardest things to give up – just ask a "backseat" driver.  I have to confess, I am the quintessential backseat driver.  In fact, when I get into a car I want to drive.  Even if it's your car, I'd rather be behind the wheel.  One reason is because I get some motion sickness when traveling in a car that I'm not driving.  The greater reason is that I'd rather be in control of the vehicle when it's moving.  So, I was literally depressed when the doctor told me that I couldn't drive for almost two months because of my broken toe.  It was like putting me on "timeout" or sending me to my room without dinner.
One of the greatest blessings that I've received during this "timeout" from driving has been God showing me my own heart.  I have had a problem receiving help and allowing other people to "take the wheel" on my behalf.  Receiving help means that we have to relinquish control and trust someone else.  If simply trusting someone else to drive was overwhelming me, what about trusting God to drive and direct my life?
Over the past few weeks I've had some really awesome drivers take me to doctor's appointments, stores, school, etc.  If it hadn't been for them, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish even half of what I've been able to do.  They don't drive the way that I do, which frustrated me in the beginning, but I've begun to learn how to rest and enjoy the ride.  I think that God desires us to see things from this perspective.  As I read this verse I am reminded of Psalm 23 and how the Lord, Our Shepherd, "makes me to lie down in green pastures…leads me beside the still waters [and] restores my soul" (Ps. 23:2-3, NKJV).  When we acknowledge that Yahweh is God; that we aren't in control; and, that not being in control is okay, then we can rest.
"In thirty-five years of religious studies I've come up with only two hard incontrovertible facts:  there is a God and I'm not him." – Father Cavanaugh from the movie "Rudy" (1993)
In what areas of your life do you still need to give God control?
What is keeping you from releasing this into God's hands?
Lord, I'm beginning to understand that in order to receive more of You I have to give up more of myself – especially the things I think I can control.  Speak to my heart, Lord.  Show me where I am still holding on and help me to let go.

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