Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27, 2013 (BlogPost) - The Holy Spirit and the Heart

May 27, 2013 [The Holy Spirit and the Heart]

"But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don't, the Advocate won't come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgment." (John 16:7-8, NLT).

Jesus says that the Holy Spirit comes to convict the world.  When I hear the verb "convict" I think of a courtroom setting where the judge reads all of the charges against the defendant.  When the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin the charges against us are being read.  All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  This is a voice of Truth and Correction.  He simply says, "You're wrong."  But, this is different from condemnation.

Satan condemns.  He is the Accuser (Rev. 12:10), reminding God of all that we have done wrong and demanding that God demonstrate His justice by condemning us.  He does not speak conviction.  He speaks of destruction and judgment because that is his eternal fate.  

We hear each of these voices in our hearts.  No, you're not crazy and neither am I.  But, I know what it feels like to think that I am worthless and can never be any better.  When I've sinned against God I've felt like a failure, unfit for His love.  Likewise, I've also heard conviction in my heart – "Ken, you were wrong for saying that and you need to apologize," for example.

Where do these condemning thoughts come from? The Accuser.
Where do these thoughts of conviction come from?  The Holy Spirit.

When I learned the difference between these thoughts, these voices that speak in the depths of my heart, I learned that there was an enemy that only wanted to destroy me and a God that wanted to save me (Jn 10:10).  Knowing the difference is life changing!  I refuse to listen to the condemnation, regardless of where it comes from.  The Truth tells me that receiving the free gift of Jesus overturned my death sentence.  I've been declared not guilty (Titus 3:4-7).  I may make mistakes and be wrong, but I can change because of Jesus.  I have value because I was created in God's image.  I have eternal life because I've been re-created through Jesus.  This is Good News!

"But then God our Savior showed us his kindness and love. He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit. He generously poured out the Spirit upon us because of what Jesus Christ our Savior did. He declared us not guilty because of his great kindness. And now we know that we will inherit eternal life" (Titus 3:4-7, NLT).
"Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, 'It has come at last--salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth--the one who accuses them before our God day and night'" (Revelation 12:10)

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:24-26)
Kenny Sullivan
(201) 218-0751

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