Numbers 32:1–33:39
Luke 4:31–5:11
Psalm 64:1–10
Proverbs 11:22
Two themes jumped out from today’s readings:
1. Choosing a Master. After Jesus proclaimed his mission statement in Nazareth – facing the indignant townspeople’s scorn and shock that a “carpenter’s son” could take such an office – He begins a Galilean ministry in Capernaum. He resolutely displays authority and power over the spiritual realm, commanding and casting out demons. This town recognized His uniqueness: “All the people were amazed and said to each other, ‘What is this teaching? With authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits, and they come out! And the news about him spread throughout the surrounding area.” (Luke 4:36,37)
Even the demons recognized this authority, declaring Him “the Son of God.” Crowds draw near to Him, hungry for His wisdom and healing. He would not remain long in any one place, explaining: “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” (4:43)
While Jesus would indeed minister in many places, principally outside of Jerusalem, the spiritual and political capital of Judea, His ministry would focus largely on building a band of disciples. While Jesus will later declare His work “finished,” Jesus likely meant more than just His salvific sacrifice on the cross. Instead, Jesus had demonstrated a path of faithfulness, discipleship, and following after Him. He employed a rabbinic, life-on-life, on-the-job training methodology and would pass these lessons through teaching, His disciples’ observations, and persistent love. He would then promise the Holy Spirit to indwell and fill His disciples, guiding them into all truth, bringing to light all His teachings, and empowering them to glorify God as Jesus Himself had.
Just as with Peter and the other disciples, we must wrestle with whom or what we will choose to serve. We may serve the flesh, money, power, influence, fame, other people’s expectations, fashion trends, sports, or recreation. Many of these “masters” represent “good” things, but, when they become our focus, idolatry sets in. For the Christ-follower, we must commit fully to glorifying God in the manner of Joshua and Caleb, who “followed the Lord wholeheartedly.” (Numbers 32:12b)
What elements lead us to follow wholeheartedly after the Master, Jesus? As with Peter’s example, we find these underlying principles:
a. Receiving a revelation of His presence and truth
b. Responding to that revelation
c. Listening for His call and direction
d. Following after His heart
e. Receiving consistent encouragement of His presence, even in the face of failure
f. Becoming more convinced of His faithfulness
g. Repeating this process daily, weekly, and monthly
Peter and his compatriots must have returned to shore tired and discouraged that morning and may have been “going through the motions” with regard to cleaning their nets. Yet, they listened to Jesus’s call and committed time and energy to follow His course. The path of discipleship and disciplemaking (“catch[ing] men”) will cost their lives, but the eternal rewards will far exceed these temporary costs. Speaking both to you and to me, let us choose this same path of discipleship.
Lord Jesus, please use us to encourage and share Your truth with hurting friends, family, and neighbors. This world is greatly afflicted and weary from sin and discouragement. Help us to offer life and hope in the midst of darkness. Reveal Your love and presence today, and pour out Your Holy Spirit in our dry land. We need Your move in our hearts and in our communities, O God. Amen.
2. Remembering the path. In Numbers 33, the Israelites recorded the path on which God had directed them. As a historian, I enjoy recalling the pathways on which God has led me and the faithfulness He has shown. At the end of each year, I note several major ways in which God has demonstrated His lovingkindness in my life. What would this list look like for you?
Also, this passage caused me to consider how easily we remember the pains and frustrations we have experienced, to the detriment of remembering God’s goodness. With the benefit of hindsight, we may always find something in our struggles that God used in our lives, even if our stubbornness or rebellion prompted the challenges. What has God shown you through difficult times or happy moments over the past few months? How is He moving in your life?
Please take some moments to consider God’s travel itinerary in your midst. Praise Him for that faithfulness!
Father, we are grateful for Your direction among us. May we recognize Your loving concern, in both upbeat and discouraging moments. Thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us. Thank You that Your faithfulness never ends and that Your mercies become new every morning. As with David, guide us in paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake. May we live for Your honor and glory. You are the Holy One of Israel and the Only Wise King. Amen.
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