Exodus 15:19-17:7
Matthew 22:1-33
Psalm 27:1-6
Proverbs 6:20-26
So let me get this straight. The God who has just parted a sea and turned it into dry land, who has led the Israelites across the seabed to safety, and then unleashed the waters to drown Pharaoh's soldiers and save an otherwise helpless people...this is the God the Israelites are so quick to doubt? The God who saved them, this is the God the Israelites thinks is unaware of their hunger or thirst, a God who has worked mighty wonders to free them from Egypt's yoke only to leave them to die in the desert?
I mean, if ever there was a day one might have imagined God reconsidering his rainbow promise after the flood, this might be it. Let's recap: He gave them liberty, then He gave them life. He gave them water, then bread, then meat. And through it all, they grumbled and they disobeyed - I mean, at what point were they supposed to trust in His provision enough to obey Him, to gather only what He said they should, in the belief He would continue to provide?
And yet I could ask the same of myself. My life is rife with stories of God's mercy and provision, given freely however much undeserved. Yet I persist in doubt, I continue to struggle to embrace the words of today's psalm. When wickedness, in the form of worry, fear and oppression, about things like my children's obedience and our mortgage, advances against me, I wish I could say my heart does not fear, that I remain confident. But no, I persist in my doubt. I grumble for life after liberty, for water after life, for bread and meat after water.
How much easier if I could learn to seek only to dwell in His house - to embrace Him as my light and my salvation, my stronghold. Then I would no longer worry about my children's future, of our financial needs, of my parent's health. Yeah, some people just never seem get it - myself included.
Father, we lift up to you not only our concerns, but the fact they are concerns, particularly where they are enough of a concern as to demonstrate a lack of faith and trust in You, a weakness in our relationship with You. Please bless us not by eliminating the cause of our concern, but by giving us the faith we need to recognize in these situations Your love for us, and the plan You have to mold us into the people You always planned for us to become.
In Jesus's name we pray. Amen.
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