Exodus 10 – 12:13, Matthew 20, Psalm 25, Proverbs 6:6-11
Last year I had this same passage in Exodus and I remember writing it…sitting on the couch and watching American Idol. I went over a couple of the ABC's that I remember of God – A for Almighty and O for Omnipresent. When I used to teach first graders about the ten plagues in Egypt, this is how we were all able to see God: Almighty and strong that He could make all these plagues happen and Omnipresent for being with the Hebrew people during Passover. This morning I was getting ready and listening to this passage off my app and the translation was a little different… striking me in a different way than it did last year. I am reminded of the letter W and G…God is Wise and Glory…He does everything for His glory.
I am amazed at God's wisdom and control through this story in Exodus. In His great plan and sovereignty he was creating a plan that would impact history, the Jewish people, and how we live today (through Passover and the cross.) We know from our readings the past few days that God heard the cries of the slaves in Egypt and that it was always his promise and plan that they dwell in the land He choose for them (Promised Land flowing with milk and honey.) Knowing this, I read and looked at these chapters differently (looking at the W and the G.) God kept hardening Pharaoh's heart over and over again. Locusts that covered the ground, darkness for three days and finally the worst of all of them – the pass over where the eldest Egyptian son was killed. God could have allowed Pharaoh's heart to be softened after the first couple plagues or didn't even have to send the plagues at all!! We know that God had a plan and Passover and The Exodus was the final plan. That was God's wisdom shining through. I'm sure there were times that Pharaoh, Moses, or the Hebrews wondered what was going to happen next.
Looking at God's glory is all over these pages as well. He freed the people of Israel not necessarily for their freedom, or because He felt sorry for them, or so they could go live and experience new things. It was all for God's glory. He freed them do they would KNOW who God was, so their generations would know who He was and so that His name would be known! He sent plague after plague and harden hearts just so He could show His glory. I identified with Pharaoh for the first time in my life. I think he knew that God was Lord of all and he definitely saw His wonders, but he still had a stubborn (as Apryl shared yesterday) and hardened heart. I think of the times God has challenged and pushed me to do something or believe something. I say sure God, then I change my mind and become hard headed. Over and over I have this conversation with God and at the end God does everything for His glory.
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