Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nov 17

November 17, 2012


What is the greatest danger we face in the U.S. today?  The answers would certainly include potential issues like terrorism, hurricanes, the fiscal cliff, the breakdown of the family, and the failures of education. But I believe the most dangerous issue facing our culture today is "relativism." I define relativism as the existence of a culture without any absolute truths.


This same issue faced Pilate 2000 years ago. It is very obvious from our reading today that Pilate knows Jesus is innocent. Time and time again, he tries to free Jesus because he knows the charges are trumped up by the Jewish leaders. But right smack dab in the middle of this trial a huge philosophical issue is raised, "What is Truth?"  Jesus starts the discussion by this statement in John 18:37, "you are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." And Pilate ends the discussion with the question, "What is truth?"


If you had been privileged to be in the room with Pilate and Jesus at that moment, how would you have answered that question?  That answer would determine the outcome of the trial.


If truth is relative, if it is in the eye of the beholder, if it is the choice of the individual, then we have no moorings to guide the judge.  The great danger is that no one is safe because the law now is a pliable tool in the hands of politicians and judges. Without truth, the law becomes whatever the fastest gunslinger, the slickest politician, or the loudest talk show host says.  This is what happened in Germany in the 1930's with the holocaust. This is what is happening today.


The Bible says truth is "God's Reality." Truth is the way God sees the world. This is not a very popular notion these days but without God determining right and wrong we are left to the arbitrary decisions of political leaders and they will always choose what is expedient for the moment. Just look at Pilate.


Ask someone the Pilate question, "What is truth?" You might be surprised to see how close we are to danger.


It is time to think about 2013. Who could you invite to take the Bible reading journey with you?  We will be using the "One Year Bible" next year. It is free resource at or you can order a copy at church.  There is no better way for people to grow in their understanding of the truth than by reading it daily for a year.



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