Sunday, August 12, 2012

JER 23

Jeremiah 23:9-22

False prophets of the region had misled, and brainwashed the Israelites into idolatrous ways, yet the Lord considered the false prophets of Jerusalem just as guilty of even more horrible wickedness, so much as so the people were committing blatant sin. These false teachers would to suffer the worst part of the Lord's displeasure. They fooled themselves believe that there was no harm in sin, and practiced it accordingly. Then they convinced others to believe so as well. Those who are resolved to go on in their evil ways, will justly be given up to believe many misinterpretations. Truth be told which of them had received any true revelation of God, or understood anything of his word? There was a time coming when they would look back on their foolishness and lack belief with heavy remorse. The teaching and example of the true prophets like Jeremiah led men to true repentance, faith, and righteousness. The false prophets completely led men to misguidance and ruin and to be content in their sins.

We find it horrible that the people of God can be so easily misled, misguided etc….! What a bunch of idiot's! In reality the world and all it has to offer, as well as our own SINFUL desires too mislead us. Let us not throw stones at these people when we are guilty of the same thing!

Jeremiah 23:23-32

Men cannot be hidden from God who sees it all! Will they never see what judgments they're bringing upon themselves and their families? Let them consider what a huge difference there is between these prophecies and those delivered by the true legitimate prophets of the Lord. Wow they are so bold to call their foolish dreams Divine oracles. The weak promises of peace these prophets make are no more to be compared to God's promises than chaff to wheat. The stubborn heart of man is like granite! If it is not softened by the word of God as a righteous fire, it will be broken to pieces by the same Word as if by a hammer. How can they be safe, or at all at ease, to have a God of almighty power against them? The word of God is no smooth, luke warm, deceitful message. Without question by its faithfulness it may certainly be distinguished from false doctrines.

Look at the cults all around us! We don't have to look that far to the cults. We can turn on the T.V. and look at these false churches that preach such falseness. Promises of abundant trouble free lives, the ole heath and wealth gospel, name it and claim it in the name of JESUS and it will be yours? (Are you kidding me, what book do they read and teach from? The bible says nothing about that)

We also have false teachers writing books and selling trash like "you can have your best life now!", "Become a better you", not to forget "it's your time" It is bad enough for them to preach such falseness, even worse for us to follow them when we have the word of God at our fingertips. If we just read our bibles we would see the portrait they paint is only excerpts, and passages taken out of context to be used for their gain. 

Jeremiah 23:33-40

Miserable indeed are those who are forsaken and forgotten of God; and men's joking at God's righteous judgments will not baffle them. God had taken Israel to be His people near and dear to him, but they will now be cast out of his presence. It is a mark of great and daring irreligion for men to joke and make light with the words of God. Every ridicules and profane word will add to the sinner's burden in the day of judgment, when everlasting shame will be their lot.


How would it be to be forgotten by God? The reality is how often do se forget about God? We follow our own desires, wants, pleasures, SIN the list could go no and no and no……

As Elijah the prophet said on MT Carmel while out numbered by the prophets of Baal and Jezebel. "Chose this day who you will serve"

Chuck Goulart
Anytime Appliance

"Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes."

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