Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23: Isaiah

(Posted on behalf of Jon Lanuza)




It was tempting to think today's reading was God micromanaging our lives, always in the negative - do not do this, do not be that not be idolatrous, do not be proud, do not be an oppressive leader or a haughty woman, do not be arrogant or rationalize your not get drunk (I loved Isaiah's sarcasm in that one - "champions at mixing drinks..."...good one, Isaiah!).  It was tempting to stop there, to think that was all today's reading was about.  But that wasn't all it was about.


At the end of the day, it seems the list of sins merely illustrate the root of the sin - the rejection of God, the abandonment of a relationship with Him.  It is there at the beginning - "I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me.  The ox knows his master....but Israel does not know, my people do not understand."  And Isaiah goes on to talk of how "They have forsaken the Lord; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on Him."


When we turn away from God, by necessity we turn to something else - typically, ourselves. So instead of living selflessly and expressing a love for God, we focus instead on the gratification of self.  It is then that we commit injustice, sacrificing the most vulnerable to satisfy ourselves; it is then we find idols we think will be more understanding of our self indulgence; it is then we find it easy to pretend we are responsible for the good things we enjoy, and delude those who look to us for leadership.  It is then we put great importance in our possessions and appearance, and seek to enrich ourselves at the expense of others.  We manifest and perpetuate arrogance and we rationalize our self importance and the rejection of God.


The world Isaiah describes and laments seems so familiar - he could well be prophesying to us today.  And I would be thoroughly guilty of each of his accusations, having sinned and fallen away from God repeatedly and at length, aided and encouraged by a world that seems to value but one thing - self gratification.  


This is why it is so important to stay in a relationship with God, to get to know Him more each day, to spend time with Him in prayer and communion.  That way we remain bound to His strength and wisdom, and we do not spurn the Holy One of Israel, we do not fall into the trap of our own humanity.  Perhaps then, when it is premised on relationship with Him, the manifestations of our faith - the offerings, the prayer - will no longer be meaningless, will no longer constitute formalism. 


Today, please consider praying in thanksgiving, that God loves us enough to remind us, through His word, of the importance of relationship with Him.  And please consider praying for the persistence to do our share to build that relationship and, equally importantly, to pass on the example, especially to our children.


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