Wednesday, April 11, 2012

2 Samuel 8, 12, 23/I Chron 11, 18

April 11
2 Samuel 8, 12, 23/I Chron 11, 18
We ended yesterday in tragedy and begin with it today.  We know we serve a loving God, we also know that God is just and that there are serious consequences for sin.  David sinned and he paid dearly for it.  God spared his life, but took the child.  As we have seen before, God does things that we don't understand, but we know He is merciful and He has a plan.  We also know, as David mentioned in 12:23, "Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me."  They would be reunited again.  
David's reaction is amazing and shocking to his servants and to me.  He got up from the ground, washed himself, got himself ready, and went to the house of the Lord.  He didn't keep mourning, didn't wallow away for himself, for his family in a hidden room.  He didn't turn to worldly comfort, but he went and worshipped.  How would I be?  You?  Really?  In the midst of these tragedies, mess ups, and sin, no hiding, but I'm sure it was raw worship.  Then he continued to live.  He accepted and honored God's decision.   
I think of these similar David situations in my life.  I messed up and I knew it.  I would beg and plead with God to change the situation, the consequences…"Lord, I'll do anything,…" sound familiar?  I remember on situation during college and it seemed everything around me fell apart.  It was not the best time.  I said those words to God, and things did not go the way I wanted, but to God's will.  I waited like David, "Who knows?" Maybe God will change His mind."   I became angry…not a happy girl.  I knew God was there, but I didn't understand why God would do what He did.  I confess I was not like David…I did not stand up, get dressed, and worshipped.  My anger channeled to other directions.
Thankfully, we have a merciful God, and He is the same God that David spoke to.  The same God that was just and merciful to a messy king 4000 years ago, to a messy girl today.  We have been on the journey together the last 4 months and am learning and I still have so much to learn.  I pray that God reveals Himself to me, but that I also remember these words, these stories.  I know I will have David days ahead and I pray today that God will not leave me, that He will continue to be on my side like He was on David's.  I pray that I will be like David and have a repentant heart that worships God and seeks His grace and mercy, even as a consequence for my messy heart and messy life. 

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