Sunday, March 25, 2012

Judges 19-21

This link is an interesting way to see this story played out.
The book of Judges is a book about wars. Mainly it's about wars with some of the enemies of God who are trying to entice Israel away from Him namely the Philistines, Jebusites, and more., but ultimately it ends up telling about the worst type war of all: civil war. The casualties are always worst in a civil war because they all originate from the same side originally. We know that from a spiritual point of view as believers we will engage in battle with cults, false religions, or even atheists, but the worst war we will ever have to face is the one with other believers, with other elements of the church.
The book of Judges is saturated with Woman like no other book, and their sheer number should be enough to send up a flag that their presence is intentional and overflowing with meaning.  Caleb's daughter, Acsah, appears in the very first chapter; Deborah and Jael are huge in chapters four and five; a nameless woman slays Abimelech in chapter nine; Jephthah's daughter is the focal point of chapter eleven; Samson's mother figures in chapter thirteen; chapters fourteen through sixteen revolve around Samson's Philistine women; chapter nineteen lays out the story of the unfortunate death of the concubine and chapter twenty-one closes the book with the abduction of the Gilead girls and their Shiloh sisters to replenish a tribe.
We also see the battle plans laid out. The 700 Special Forces left handed snipers of the day, the ambush along the road. The two campaign attempts defeated. This Story reminds me of a Story I heard from LT, Gen William G. Boykin who I met while I was stationed in VA Beach. I was able to see him again after his appearance at an Iron Sharpens Iron conference. Gen Boykin told me and the members of  the Naval Special Warfare Group stories of the corruption of war, corruption of men, and corruption of our sin. What an amazing man of God he is, to have the strength to stand up for his faith. Wow I could go on from just a Military perspective of this story.
But since we are in the old testament and we are always looking for practical application and meaning of the Bible this is my attempt to give some practical summary of each section.  
Judges 19: 1-4 Here, we see a picture of a Christian being tempted by the things of this world first: in the actions of the concubine, and then that of her father in order to teach about spiritual faithfulness.
Judges 19:11-21 When Christians no longer behave like believers it is more than likely that they have become conformed to exactly like the world they live in. The bigger spiritual picture portrayed here is not of someone who is merely backslidden, but completely turning away from God and returning to their former old life in the world.
Judges 19:22-30 When Christ followers turn against Christ followers, the result is the body of believers is actually torn apart by the level of degree of unfaithfulness present. The only remedy is going to be for the body to be completely destroyed and be rid of the cancerous influence.
Judges 20: 1-17 Christ followers have an huge obligation to present the truth but we cannot make other people's choices for them. Sometimes our brothers and sisters in Christ choose not to listen and pursue their own way instead. This is very much the case when a group, organization, company, or the Military is not 100% corrupt but refuses to address that issues within it which is outwardly sinful and influencing the reputation and general effectiveness.
Judges 20:18-35 Revivals don't begin with the unsaved, but the saved. Judgment always begins within the church of God first. In order to drive out sin within the church overall, it has to begin at the personal level in ward focus and of addressing one's own sin first.
Judges 20: 36-45 We have all seen this before. When a person, group, or entire organization has been investigated and confronted with the issue of sin, and digs in and remains unrepentant and refusing to give up that sin, there is no other action that it can experience other than God's final judgment, its total and complete destruction. Do not forget: No believer is allowed to undertake such action on their own, but only after thorough investigation of the matter and prolonged and sincere submission of it to the Lord in accordance to the scriptures.
Judges 21: 1-25 There would never be an issue if they had only kept God's Word, His commands and His ways to begin with and sought to return to them wholeheartedly without adding their own restrictions on top with a repentant heart.

Chuck Goulart

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people attain uncommon results"  


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