Christ as our anchor in life: In Him all things hold together
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” - Colossians 2:6-7
1. Sings and warnings against life without Christ.
Paul has some concerns for the lives of Colossians if they are not centered in Christ:
- can get deceived by fine-sounding, but empty arguments, rooted in human tradition and not in Christ
- can get distracted by false humility and false worship; losing connection from Christ who holds us together
- can get discouraged by human teachings of 'DON'Ts', believed to make people better but in reality are powerless to fighting temptations;
- can conform to the earthly human nature and its sins, the consequences of which are God's imminent fury
- can embrace lies, anger, rage, hatred, insults and filthy language
2. Life anchored in Christ
On the other hand, here are tings Paul writes to Colossians which a part of the Christian life and hope, where Christ is the anchor:
- are filled with the knowledge of God's Will - through all spiritual wisdom and understanding
- do fruitful good works
- are growing in the knowledge of God
- have endurance and patience as we get stronger through God's own glorious might
- have joyful thankful relationship with God the Father
- are qualified by God for His kingdom of light
- are rescued from darkness, to be brought right into the kingdom of his beloved Son
- are redeemed by Christ and have forgiveness of sins; are alive in Christ
- are reconciled to God by Christ; making peace with Him
- by the sacrifice of Christ, are presented holy in God's sight; without blemish and free from accusation
- have immovable hope in the gospel; established and firm faith
- are given wisdom to teach everyone about Christ
- when we struggle, we struggle with all of Christ's powerful energy
- become encouraged in heart and united in love
- become rooted in Christ
- overflow with thankfulness to God
- receive fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority
- set our minds on things above
- shall appear with Christ in glory
- are dearly loved by God
- practice compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience
- learn to forgive one another and to love one another
- have the peace of Christ
Some of us may not have heard these promises before. Some of us may have forgotten them, or some of us may live as if we had. But Paul's encouraging words about life with Christ are a promise of a dream come true: a life with God; a life of truth, holiness and love. Thank you for the reminder Apostle Paul!
Jesus asks us: Do you want true life with me?
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