Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November 3

Thursday dinner this week.... Pizza at my house at 7:00. We have a good number coming over. Write out all of your questions and get ready for a fantastic discussion. See you Thursday.

13 notes on the reading today.

1. The title “Christ” is the Greek word for the Hebrew concept of “Messiah.” (Anointed One) Jesus is the one who fulfills the 320 prophecies in the Old Testament. They finally got it. Do you get it?

2. But they didn’t get it. When Jesus foretells of the cross they miss it or fight against it. The idea of the Christ on a cross was completely rejected.

3. If you want to be a disciple of Jesus there will be a cost. You too must pick up your cross. Stop whining.

4. If you are ashamed of Jesus you are not a disciple.

5. In the transfiguration we have this great moment. Jesus, Moses and Elijah have just appeared and motor mouth Peter starts talking up a storm. God interrupts Peter and say..... Listen to him!!!! A great lesson for us. Stop talking and start listening.

6. Elijah and John the Baptist were the forerunners of the King. They both announced the King as he entered the city. This was a cultural tradition 2000 years ago.

7. In the healing of the epileptic boy the father confesses something going on in us today.... “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.” We are always some combination of belief and unbelief. Our task today is to shrink the unbelief and increase the belief.

8. Who is the greatest is not a discussion a disciple should be involved in. So become like a child today and humble yourself before God.

9. Jesus was concerned about the children, so should we. Who are you disciplining from the next generation? Christianity is only one generation away from becoming obsolete.

10. Sin is a real issue. Sin will kill you. Sin will kill you for eternity. Don’t mess with it. What sin are you facing today in your life? Kill it before it kills you.

11. Stop fighting over the small stuff. We can join ranks with everyone who confesses Jesus is God’s son come to earth to atone for our sin.

12. In every argument keep it small. Stop gossiping. If you really love people you will talk with them and not others.

13. There is no limit to how many times we should forgive a person.

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