Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 13

The Book of Joel

Don’t waste your storm

Life is full of storms. Here was a storm of locusts that totally devoured the land. Four different times an army of locust swarmed over the land and ate everything in sight. That is what you call a national disaster of the category “5” type. So what should a nation do when something of this magnitude occurs?
1. Realize that God is behind this storm not to hurt but to heal.
2. Have the leaders call a national day of repentance and return to the Lord.

The same is true for individuals. God is behind every storm in our lives. It is not that God causes every storm but God’s power is so great that he is using every storm to radically change us. Why does God use storms to change us? Because it is the only route to radical change. Instead of asking “why is this happening to me” we should ask “what does God want to teach me in this storm.” It is only when we surrender to God’s plan that the storm becomes beneficial. When we fight and try to save ourselves that is when we are in the most danger.
It is interesting how much God wants to give us a second chance. In this book God promises a second chance to everyone who experiences an inward repentance. Notice 2:12... return to me with all your heart... Rend your heart and not your garments. God is not looking for a great outward show, he is looking for genuine repentance. Once we do this we will discover that God is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.

Do you find yourself in a storm today? Ask God “what” he wants to teach you. Then wait for God to become your defender. Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

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