Joshua (a modern leader w/ little to no experience in leading large groups) sends out a recognizance team(special ops) to search out the land, which God promised them. Due to their dedication and obedience they accomplish the mission, but it was not easy. Joshua receives the information he needs, and assembles a platoon of men to prepare an attack. He crosses the river and brings his men closer to their target. At that point he takes time to worship God and seek him.
The difference between Joshua and today is: he sought after God's input. One thing that is very neat about Joshua is that he maintained a humble attitude. God showed favor to Joshua (4:14) by exalting him and making him a worthy leader.
In the beginning God instructs Joshua reaffirming him over and over by telling him "be strong and courageous". Joshua 1:9 "Have i not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." It seems that God addresses Joshua's fears before he even has a chance to bring it up. Joshua said nothing to God, but God still asks "have I not commanded you?". His fear is addressed by reminding him: you are going war and God is going to be with you no matter what.
The same questions that Joshua probably would have asked ... we ask. Is God going to be with me today? Will he leave me? Is this too big for God?
Joshua had to lead a few million into a promised land after being exposed to the sun and all kinds of skin cancer for 40 years. Long story short, Joshua had to lead a few million bitter people into a promised land. Our problems probably won't ever compare to his, yet God still made him a promise. The promise to be strong and courageous b/c he won't ever leave our side. That promise still carries to this day. God's promises have no expiration and he loves it when we know them and hold close to them.
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