Today is accountability day. Send me an email with your progress.
Today: Lev 5, 22 Deut 21
Tomorrow: Lev 21, 25
Deut. 21:6-8 Then all the elders of the town nearest the body shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley, 7and they shall declare: "Our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it done. 8Accept this atonement for your people Israel, whom you have redeemed, O Lord, and do not hold your people guilty of the blood of an innocent man." And the bloodshed will be atoned for.
There is a huge difference between the east and west. In the west we value our rugged individualism. We are the captains of our own ship and we live as individuals. In the east they value community. You are part of a community and thus you have certain community responsibilities. The last thing you want to do is to disgrace your community or family. This sense of community responsibility carries over in this passage. When a crime was committed and the criminal got away, the whole community was held responsible. They would have to gather the elders together and offer atonement for the crime. If they didn’t own this they would be guilty of the crime itself.
This verse has application for us today in 4 ways.
1. As Christ followers we need to be involved in bringing wholeness to our communities. We should be working for the growth, health, and well being of our city. What could you do to make Stamford a better city? Christ followers should be the best citizens.
2. As Christ followers we need to help the families of our community. We all bear some responsibility when a criminal is raised in our city. Could we have helped this person by helping their family? Could we have reached them in school? Could we have reached them through mentoring in a sports program? Just how many failed relationships does it take to make a criminal?
3. As Christ followers we need to assume responsibility for national crimes. We are responsible when we have government policies that harm people. We held the people of Germany responsible for the 6 million Jews that were killed. Do you realize that since 1973 we have killed 49 million helpless children. Now more than ever it is important for us to elect government officials who share our sense of morality.
4. As a race we are responsible for the death of Jesus. Remember the shout from the people at the crucifixion of Jesus? “Let his blood be on us and our children.” Did they not realize the responsibility they were assuming with this cry? When asking the question, “Who killed Jesus” we are all guilty. It was our sin that nailed him to the cross. It is only when we assume responsibility for that sin that we will find healing and forgiveness.
Thought for today: As you walk around Stamford on this cold winter day ask yourself, “What can I do to touch this city with the love of Jesus?”
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