Exodus 32-34 Do you need a revival in your life?
There are 16 revivals mentioned in scripture. This is the second one found in the Bible.
Revivals are always born out of times of darkness. Here is the nation of Israel, who has seen some of the greatest acts of God in history. But Moses is up on top of a mountain for a month and the insanity of sin creeps back in. The people make a calf and decide this is the god who has delivered them from Egypt. This stuff is too amazing to even make up. So is the excuse of Aaron. So they start bowing down to the golden calf and break out into a sexual orgy. You talk about the wheels of the wagon falling off quickly. Well thousands died because of the disobedience and the nation is now aware of their failing before a holy God. This awareness of sin is necessary for revival to occur. There also has to be a longing for God and Moses shows us how to do it.
God had said he was not going with the nation any more but that he would send his angel with the nation. But Moses responds with these words...
Exodus 33:13-15 If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people."
14The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
15Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.
Some observations...
1. Moses wants to know God more than anything on earth. He wants God to teach him his ways. He wants to know God’s intentions and plans.
2. He also wants God’s presence. God has already said he is not going with them. He was going to send an angel with them. But Moses says... no way, if you don’t go with us, I am not taking one more step.
Here is the question for us.... how much do we want God and his presence in our lives?
Do we want God more than money, a solid retirement plan, a promotion, a position, a career, a relationship, sex, entertainment... to have revival take place in our lives we have to want God more than anything on earth. When that is our desire you know the revival has begun.
Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
God will not be a friend to those who seek after him with 50% heart.. 75% ... even 90%.
We need to seek Him with our whole heart.
The very reason you are alive is to have a relationship with Jesus. Enjoy your God today.
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